The strange creature
In the beginning of times, there was no creatures except for one, this creature was a male, a mix of a tiger's body with a crocodile head and a monkey's tail, this creature lives in the sky because the sky was the only thing that existed in that time, he was surrounded by large blank spaces so he was always bored because he didn't have anyone to talk or play with.
One day, tired of the loneliness of the sky, he fell asleep and during his nap he dreamed that he was playing with other people, people with long legs and they had what we know now as a "human" body. He was so happy playing with them, but he woke up and when he woke up he started to cry because he was so sad that that beautiful thing that he dream was only that, a dream, but what he didn't know is that when he cried he created the rain.
A couples of day pass and when he was walking in the blank spaces of the sky he started to think of how amazing would it be to have someone similar to him, someone who could have the same body, the same tail and the same head, he imagine an animal with a long tail and a funny body with big ears and he decide to call that animal "monkey". His imagination continues to flow and he imagine an animal with the same head as him with a big tail and a long body and he decide to call him "crocodile" and he also imagine an animal with a big and strong body with long and fluffy fur and he decide to call him "tiger".
Months pass and he was feeling lonely again so he started crying non stop and yelling, that's how the tunder and the ocean were created. He was so desperate that he start jumping and while he was jumping he fell into a long river. He didn't know where he was, he had never been there before, so he start to explore the area.
He walks for hours and hours and he saw something not so far from him, he couldn't believe it, he saw what he dream, humans, the animals he imagine, he was so happy so he started playing with everybody.
He realized that everything that he imagine or dream could become reality, so he start to create new things by dreaming and by having a lot of imagination, and that's how the world was created.
The world was created by a mix of a tiger's body with a crocodile head and a monkey's tail.
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