FROM THE DIARY OF SAMUEL PEPYS (trustworthiness and gratefulness)
To start with this reading is a diary wrote by a man called Samuel Pepys and its an account of a lot of events that happened in his life it’s a 300 years old account of stories to be more exact.
In this reading we have to figure out how the values of trustworthiness and thankfulness are reflected in his life and in the characters.
At the beginning it’s really hard to se how theses values could be reflected in him since he was a very selfish and not really kind person, since he only cared about himself and he didn’t really helped or make a contribution in others life, he was only a worker of the king kind of like a secretary or helper, at first I thought that that was the only thing that he was showing thankfulness about, his job and his social class due to his work and the money he was making because of it, he was a very disrespectful person with his wife because he told many times in his diary that he usually cheated on her with other women but he mention also that he loved his wife and that for me this doesn’t make any sense because when you truly love and when you are grateful for someone you don’t need to be looking for affection and love or even sexual affairs with other people because your significant other should be giving you those things, and if you are looking for those things in other places that only means that you don’t love the person who is by your side supporting you. Towards the end of the story is when we actually start to see those values of trustworthiness and gratefulness because a really big fire happened destroying a really big part of the city, more than 300 houses became ashes and dust and Pepys at first he didn’t care but then when he actually went to the city to see what happened and he start being a victim of this because his house was affected by it and also he start loosing money at that moment it’s when he start changing his perspective of life and start to be a “better” person and actually start to appreciate life how it’s supposed to be, having dinner and meals with his wife and having time with her, but in my opinion a person doesn’t really change, and maybe Pepys didn’t actually change he just realize that he wasn’t doing the right stuff. So that’s how I see those values in this part of his diary.