In this essay I am going to write about a story called “a modest proposal” en how the values of justice and fairness are reflected in the story.
To start with, this story took place in the 1720s in Ireland, a men called Jonathan swift had an idea that not everybody liked but some people agreed. In Ireland in that year there was an economical crisis and a huge overpopulation that was making a lot of trouble to the country, there was a lot of poverty too, this was very bad because the quantity of poverty people was bigger than the quantity of people who had a good economy or a good economical stage.
This men called Switf decide to do a not so modest proposal in my opinion, I also think that the title have a little sarcasm in it. His proposal was that the poor women who had babies under a certain age need to sell their babies to rich people for them to eat them, he explain that is a good way to low the population and to feed people, so I really think that here the values of fairness and justice are seriously not reflected or related because it’s not fair that a baby who has no sense of thinking yet is practically obligated to serve has food for people who has the money to simply go and buy something else like real food, it’s not fair for a mother to be almost obligated to sell her baby because of the overpopulation or the need of someone else to eat, a baby is not food, it’s not right and why would a normal person with a good heart want to eat a baby, this is a heartless act and a huge sin, this is called cannibalism which is when a human eats another human, this is a really bad thing and in this story there is no justice too because no one speak for the babies, they just told a little bit of the criticism of the proposal but no one really speak and tell that this was a very bad and wrong idea, they could easily think of another way to solve the economical problems and eventually the overpopulation would decreased because every day a lot o f people die by natural and not so natural circumstances, the idea of eating babies is just violating every common sense that a normal person should have and violating the values of justice and fairness.